Many people consider it a hobby, a contagious and widespread passion in which everyone, young or old, tries their hand at one time or another, but there are also those who consider it a job and, as a matter of fact, by definition, it really is. DIY, as described in the dictionary, is manual labor, a noble and age-old art, a true craft.
Traditionally, taking on simple manual labor and reusing scraps of different types of materials, stemmed from the need to save money and make use of an object until it was completely consumed. In its original meaning, DIY was indeed understood as creating something new from waste and salvaged materials, and included such diverse fields as design, art and sculpture; however, over the years, this practice has taken on a different meaning and today it is considered more of a pastime, chosen for personal satisfaction in making or fixing something with one’s own hands.
Obviously, the approach to this art has also changed. At one time, craftsmanship was a family legacy, nowadays, however, any person can approach this “hobby” through tutorials or video lessons that advise, explain and reveal the tricks, step by step. DIY encompasses a world of applications that each of us can carry out independently and without necessarily being an expert in the field.
In our daily lives today, there are multiple applications of “do it yourself” such as simple repairs, decorating with “homemade” creations, small jobs for decoration and living spaces, and anything else that can be accomplished with a bit of effort and imagination.
Like any applied art, of course, you need the so-called tools of the trade. So many can certainly be recycled or repurposed but, just as many, must be purchased new, such as the small plastic parts that are essential for countless creations and/or repairs.
Small fastening items such as screws, nuts, fasteners, bolts and many others, are versatile, inexpensive, functional, and easy to apply, which is why they are among the most widely used items in this area and beyond.
Small plastic fasteners, such as screw caps, nut protection caps and caps, ferrules and furniture feet are, often, excellent and practical solutions for those who want to give a new face to their home or garden, without the intervention of professionals.