“When there is no energy, there is no color, there is no shape, there is no life.”
We chose this quote but we could refer to any of those that, throughout the years, have been dedicated to energy and, each of us, could probably give a different and personal interpretation to the question: “What is energy?”.
The term “energy” is often used and declined in many and different contexts, but one thing is certain: energy is everywhere, permeates every aspect of our existence but, at the same time, there is not an absolute definition and therefore it remains an elusive concept.
Today, the word “energy” is used to refer to both the ability to move things and the activity, i.e. the force derived from fully or partially sustainable sources. In our daily experience, we have certain familiarity with energy or, at least, with its “forms”: electricity, chemical and nuclear reactions, etc….
Because, in fact, the terms we use to define a certain type of energy is based on how we perceive it as movement, sound or light.
Throughout history, man has studied and devised different ways to channel and exploit energy coming mainly from fossil fuels. However, recent events have made the energy subject increasingly central and equally debated, both for the increasing cost of raw materials, and because climate change urges us to search for clean energy sources.
For this reason, attention and research is shifting to them.
Whatever the source, our role does not change.
We work behind the scenes to provide what may seem like minor elements, but in reality, based on the kind of article and its peculiarities, they can prove essential in many sectors related to energy production.
Let’s take the examples of elements of plastic hardware such as: screws, nuts, washers, spacers, fasteners and many others that are ideal for any fastening in which, for safety reasons, it is necessary to eliminate potential electrical conductors: for this reason, the natural choice is an alternative material such as plastic.
Moreover, further articles within our range of products, such as pipe caps, threaded caps, flange covers and adhesive discs used for containment and protection, are very useful in sectors such as hydraulic, oil and petrochemical.
At the same time there are, within our selection, specific products for assembly, packaging and safety which are suitable for many other industrial sectors but, whatever the sector of reference, energy, in its wider meaning, remains the driving force of everything!