Technical design
9205 LR20X10 11 3 0,8 2 16X6 - 18,4X8,4 20x10
9206 LR20X15 11,5 5 1 2 16X11 - 18X13 20x15
9207 LR20X16 11,5 5 1 2 16X12 - 18X14 20X16
9208 LR25X10 11,5 3 0,8 2 21X6 - 23,4X8,4 25x10
9209 LR25X15 11,5 5 1 2,5 20X10 - 23X13 25x15
9210 LR25X20 11,5 3 1 3 19X14 - 23X18 25x20
9211 LR30X10 11,5 5 1 2 26X6 - 28X8 30x10
9212 LR30X15 11,5 5 1 2,5 25X10 - 28X13 30x15
9213 LR30X20 11,5 5 1 3 24X14 - 28X18 30x20
9214 LR30X25 13,5 3,5 1,5 1,5 27X22 - 27X22 30x25
9215 LR35X10 11,5 5 1 2 31X6 - 33X8 35x10
9216 LR35X15 11,5 5 1 3 29X9 - 33X13 35x15
9217 LR35X20 11,5 5 1 2,5 30X15 - 33X18 35x20
9218 LR35X25 11,5 5 1 3 29X19 - 33X23 35x25
9220 LR38,1X25,4 11,5 5 1 3 32,1X19,4 - 36,1X23,4 38,1x25,4
9221 LR40X10 10,5 5 1,5 1,5 37X7 - 37X7 40x10
9222 LR40X15 12 5 1 1,5 37X12 - 38X13 40x15
9223 LR40X20 12 5 1 2,5 35X15 - 38X18 40x20
9224 LR40X20+3 13 5 3 3 34X14 - 34X14 40x20
9225 LR40X25 11,5 5 1 3 34X19 - 38X23 40x25
9226 LR40X30 12 5 1 3 34X24 - 38X28 40x30
9227 LR40X35 12 5 1 3 34X29 - 38X33 40x35
9228 LR45X15 11 5 1,5 2 41X11 - 42X12 45X15
9229 LR45X20 11,5 5 1 3 39X14 - 43X18 45X20
9230 LR45X25 12 5 1 3 39X19 - 43X23 45X25
9231 LR45X30 12 5 1 2,5 40X25 - 43X28 45X30
9232 LR45X35 12 5 1 3,5 38X28 - 43X33 45X35
9233 LR50X10 12 3,5 1 2 46X6 - 48X8 50x10
9234 LR50X20 14 5 1 3 44X14 - 48X18 50x20
9235 LR50X25 14,5 5 1 3 44X19 - 48X23 50x25
9236 LR50X25+3 14,5 5 3 4,5 41X16 - 44X19 50x25
9237 LR50X30 13,5 5 1 3 44X24 - 48X28 50x30
9238 LR50X30+3 14,5 5 3 5 40X20 - 44X24 50x30
9239 LR50X34 14,5 5 1 3,5 43X27 - 48X32 50X34
9240 LR50X35 14,5 5 1 3,5 43X28 - 48X33 50x35
9241 LR50X40 12,5 5 1,5 2,5 45X35 - 47X37 50x40
9242 LR50,8X38,1 14,5 5 1 3 44,8X32,1 - 48,8X36,1 50,8x38,1
9243 LR55X34 14,5 5 1,5 4 47X26 - 52X31 55x34
9244 LR55X40 14,5 5 1,5 4 47X32 - 52X37 55x40
9245 LR60X15 14,5 5 1 2 56X11 - 58X13 60x15
9246 LR60X20 14,5 5 1 3 54X14 - 58X18 60x20
9247 LR60X25 14 5 1 2,5 55X20 - 58X23 60x25
9248 LR60X30 15 5 1 2,5 55X25 - 58X28 60x30
9249 LR60X30+2,5 14,4 5 2,5 4 52X22 - 55X25 60x30
9250 LR60X33 14,5 5 1,5 3,5 53X26 - 57X30 60x33
9251 LR60X35 15 5 1,5 3,5 53X28 - 57X32 60x35
9252 LR60X40 14 5 1 3 54X34 - 58X38 60x40
9253 LR60X40+3 14 5 3 5 50X30 - 54X34 60x40
9254 LR60X45 15 5 1,5 4 52X37 - 57X42 60x45
9255 LR60X50 14,5 5 1,5 3,5 53X43 - 57X47 60x50
9256 LR65X35 15 5 1 3 59X29 - 63X33 65X35
9257 LR70X20 19 5 1 2 66X16 - 68X18 70x20
9258 LR70X25 18 5 1,5 2,5 65X20 - 67X22 70x25
9259 LR70X30 18 5 1 2 66X26 - 68X28 70x30
9260 LR70X35 15 5 1,5 3,5 63X28 - 67X32 70x35
9261 LR70X40 18 5 1,5 2,5 65X35 - 67X37 70x40
9263 LR70X50 15 5 2 5 60X40 - 66X46 70x50
9264 LR75X25 15 5 1 3 69X19 - 73X23 75X25
9265 LR75X50 15 5 2 4 67X42 - 71X46 75X50
9266 LR76,2X25,4 14,5 5 1,5 3,5 69,2X18,4 - 73,2X22,4 76,2x25,4
9267 LR76,2X50,8 14,5 5 2,5 4,5 67,2X41,8 - 71,2X45,8 76,2x50,8
9268 LR80X20 18 5 1,5 2 76X16 - 77X17 80x20
9269 LR80X25 14,5 5 1 3 74X19 - 78X23 80X25
9270 LR80X30 14,5 5 1 2,5 75X25 - 78X28 80x30
9271 LR80X30+2,5 14,5 5 2,5 4 72X22 - 75X25 80x30
9272 LR80X40 14,5 5 1 3 74X34 - 78X38 80x40
9273 LR80X40+3,2 24,5 5 3,2 4 72X32 - 73,6X33,6 80x40
9274 LR80X50 18 5 2 4 72X42 - 76X46 80x50
9275 LR80X60 24 5 1,5 3,5 73X53 - 77X57 80x60
9276 LR80X60+3,5 18,5 5 3,5 5 70X50 - 73X53 80x60
9277 LR90X20 14,5 5 1 2,5 85X15 - 88X18 90X20
9278 LR90X40 15 5 2 4 82X32 - 86X36 90X40
9279 LR90X45 15 5 2 4 82X37 - 86X41 90X45
9280 LR90X50 22 6 2 4,5 81X41 - 86X46 90x50
9281 LR90X70 22 6 3 5,5 79X59 - 84X64 90x70
9282 LR100X20 15 5 1,5 3 94X14 - 97X17 100x20
9283 LR100X25 15 5 1,5 3 94X19 - 97X22 100x25
9284 LR100X30 15 5 1,5 3,5 93X23 - 97X27 100x30
9285 LR100X40 14,5 5 1,5 4 92X32 - 97X37 100x40
9286 LR100X50 24 6 2 4,5 91X41 - 96X46 100x50
9287 LR100X60 24 6 2,5 4,5 91X51 - 95X55 100x60
9288 LR100X80 19 6,5 3 5,5 89X69 - 94X74 100x80
9289 LR110X30 24 6 2 4 102X22 - 106X26 110x30
9290 LR110X60 24 6 3,5 5,5 99X49 - 103X53 110x60
9291 LR110X70 24 6 3 5 100X60 - 104X64 110x70
9292 LR120X20 16,2 2,2 1,5 3 114X14 - 117X17 120x20
9294 LR120X30 14,5 5 1,5 2 116X26 - 117X27 120x30
9295 LR120X40 21,5 6 3 5 110X30 - 114X34 120x40
9296 LR120X50 21,5 6 3 5,5 109X39 - 114X44 120X50
9297 LR120X60 24,5 5 2 4 112X52 - 116X56 120x60
9298 LR120X60+5 18 5 5 5 110X50 - 110X50 120x60
9299 LR120X80 24 5 2 3 114X74 - 116X76 120x80
9300 LR120X80+5 25 7 5 8 104X64 - 110X70 120x80
9301 LR120X100 24 6 3,5 6 108X88 - 113X93 120x100
9302 LR125X75 24,5 6 2 5 115X65 - 121X71 125x75
9303 LR140X40 21,5 6 2 4,5 131X31 - 136X36 140x40
9304 LR140X50 21,5 6 2 5 130X40 - 136X46 140x50
9305 LR140X60 24,5 6 2 4,5 131X51 - 136X56 140x60
9306 LR140X70 24,5 6 4 6,5 127X57 - 132X62 140x70
9307 LR140X80 24,5 5 2 4,5 131X71 - 136X76 140x80
9308 LR140X100 24,5 6 2 4,5 131X91 - 136X96 140x100
9309 LR150X30 21,5 6 1,5 3 144X24 - 147X27 150x30
9310 LR150X40 21,5 6 2 4,5 141X31 - 146X36 150x40
9311 LR150X50 28 6 2 4 142X42 - 146X46 150x50
9312 LR150X50+4 28 6 4 7 136X36 - 142X42 150x50
9313 LR150X60 21,5 6 2,5 5 140X50 - 145X55 150x60
9314 LR150X75 21,5 6 2,5 5,5 139X64 - 145X70 150x75
9315 LR150X100 27 7 3 8 134X84 - 144X94 150x100
9316 LR160X50 21,5 6 2,5 5,5 149X39 - 155X45 160x50
9317 LR160X60 21,5 6 2,5 5 150X50 - 155X55 160x60
9318 LR160X80 24,5 6 3 5,5 149X69 - 154X74 160x80
9319 LR200X120 30,5 6 6,3 9 182X102 - 187,4X107,4 200x120

Where to buy rectangular thin layer inserts?

If you are looking for Plugs or if you are looking for a particular type of Plug model then you are on the right site because Panozzo has an almost infinite series of all types of protection of pipe endings to satisfy all users.

The ability to quickly manage the supply of Plugs in plastic, thanks to a well-stocked warehouse and continuous technological innovation for customer order management, makes Panozzo a point reference for protection of pipe endings

Strong point is the website, which is structured according to the use of products such as rectangular thin layer inserts and images Plugs in plastic well in evidence.

The site allows the customer and/or potential customer to find very easily and quickly the plastic Plug that he needs.

From you can request free samples of rectangular thin layer inserts, bids and/or the PDF catalog of protection of pipe endings.

Panozzo has a warehouse of over 700 sqm. which counts more than 5,000 articles of plastic printed in various materials (pvc, polythene, epdm, silicone, etc.)

In the site section of protection of pipe endings you can find the Plugs for a variety of product categories such as mechanics, for body work, boating, modelling or automotive.

Where to find plastic Plugs? Simple! In the protection of pipe endings of our site you can find what you are looking for.

The Panozzo goal is to help companies make purchases as economically as possible. For this reason, we are not only seen as a vendor but as one who proposes individual solutions to solve problems related to protection of pipe endings. A big potential to increase efficiency and productivity is the organization of the purchase of Plugs in plastic because of low commodity value but having a huge impact on management costs in relation to total purchases of Materials needed, especially with frequent orders.

Our flexible service proposes, according to the customer's needs, the organization, consulting or full management (order / purchase) of protection of pipe endings.

The plastic Plugs found in the catalog are available in our warehouse and will be shipped as soon as possible, because it is essential for us that every customer receives the plastic Plug to do their job as soon as possible.

With our extensive expertise in consulting, design and production of plastic rectangular thin layer inserts pieces, our offer of protection of pipe endings embraces various industry applications.

It is very important to to close any holes on machinery or other protection protection from dirt, dust, and moisture. In this case you always try to find an economical solution with a plastic Plug quick to insert and remove.

Finding the plastic Plug hole cover of the right size for the closure of a hole in sheet metal is very easy. Just measure the diameter of the hole to to close, go to the Panozzo site in the closure holes and click on the image of the selected Plug. The header of the columns in the dimensional table corresponds to the letters found on the technical drawing. You just have to choose the plastic Plug code.

The type of Plug to use depends on the purpose, and for this reason Panozzo proposes both plastic Plugs with high aesthetic value and plastic Plugs economical and fast to apply.

If you need a Plug hole cover for furniture or for window frames, on our site, you can find various aesthetic Plugs that make your case, in the closure holes section.

Very often the same plastic Plug can be used for different purposes such as, for example, for or circular molded cases or for poles of protection for pipes.

The use of Plugs of protection against polluting, dirty or moisture agents during shipment or storage is very important because it avoids damage to the product and therefore costs of maintenance. In protection of pipe endings you can request a sample of the Plug you want to test.

to close molded cases, standard black Plugs finned in plastic are always available in our warehouse and ready for shipment. The range includes plastic Plugs for tubolar circular, rectangular and square. The dimensions range from 10mm to over 100mm.

The company has a wide range of thread Plugs for protection threaded. Our plastic Plugs can be used to protect threads metric from M8 to M52, 1/8 "to 3" GAS or threads (threads) UNF 5/16 " 2.1 / 2 ".

The Panozzo Plugs are made of different materials depending on the use. For example, for varnishing you can use a silicone or Epd or polyethylene Plug. Measurements range from 0.5 mm to over 100 mm

plastic Plugs are considered a poor and superfluous product. Very often we do not realize how a protection Plug or protection threads or more simply closure holes can save you time and money because of damage caused by dust, dirt or liquids.

How to request protection of pipe endings?

To request protection of pipe endings, click on the Plug image of your interest. You can select one or more Plugs and, after finishing the selection, click on the link to check the selections and submit the request. We remind you that if you are already a customer of Panozzo or have already requested samples, you can access the ARENA CUSTOMERS, thus avoiding having to enter all your personal data.

How to apply for arectangular thin layer inserts?

If you have to apply for a quote click on the rectangular thin layer inserts and then on the code that interests you. Click on the icon to the left of the code: Plug is inserted into the cart. Click on the display to display the shopping cart, indicate the amount of Plugs required and complete all the data on the Master Card if you are not already a customer, otherwise enter user and password.
If you have to add another Plug of the category protection of pipe endings or else, click the green arrow back to the products.

Want to download the PDF catalog of the protection of pipe endings family?

You can download the updated PDF catalog of plastic Plugs of your interest from the main page of protection of pipe endings or the CATALOG CATALOG PDF section of our site The catalog shows the image, design and material of production and the size of the plastic Plug that you find on the site.

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